The strategic partnership between the ProTerra Foundation and BellaTerra

Founded in 2021 by Isabel Nepstad, BellaTerra is a solution-driven supply chain consulting firm, that bridges China and the world to provide sustainable solutions with a global vision.
The vision is embedded in the company’s name: in Latin, “Bella” means beautiful and “Terra” means land. With nature embedded in their DNA, BellaTerra envisions a world where people prosper with nature.
In 2023, BellaTerra established a strategic partnership with the ProTerra Foundation based on a shared vision for a greener future. BellaTerra has authorised responsibility for ProTerra’s representation and operations in China, providing consulting services and official information in Chinese for the reference of interested parties, and acting as a bridge for potential collaboration.
BellaTerra is working together with the ProTerra Foundation to facilitate the application and the localised implementation of the ProTerra Standards in China.
In December 2023, BellaTerra completed the localisation process and the Chinese translation of the ProTerra Standard v5.0 with 10 principles, 41 criteria and 143 specific indicators at 3 levels. The ongoing collaboration between the ProTerra Foundation and BellaTerra is expected to continuously improve the sustainability adaptation of agriculture in China.