MEGA Tierernährung is the newest certified compound feed company for the trade of ProTerra soya meal

MEGA Tierernaehrung GmbH & Co. KG has been part of the ProTerra Network for over a decade. Now the company has taken a decisive step forward in its membership: Since March 2024, MEGA Tierernaehrung has been a compound feed manufacturer that can now also trade in ProTerra goods – specifically, soya meal (level II). “We are proud to be part of the ProTerra Network, working together to continuously improve sustainability along the agricultural supply chain. Only by working together can we promote more sustainable and fair food production,” says Dr Anna Fangmann, Sustainable Procurement at MEGA Tierernaehrung GmbH & Co. KG. Julian Kochanowski, Purchasing Manager at MEGA, adds: “By expanding our membership, we are pleased to make a contribution to responsible supply chain management and thus counteract global deforestation. Until now, we have mainly used ProTerra-certified soya meal within our group of companies. Now other companies can also purchase ProTerra products from us.”
MEGA Tierernaehrung is a leader in the production of poultry feed in Germany. The annual production volume is over 1.2 million tonnes. The company employs around 180 people and is a subsidiary of the family-owned PHW Group, which has successfully established itself as a producer of high-quality animal and vegetable protein products in the German agricultural and food industry over the past nine decades. Over the years, vertical integration has been successfully established in the core business area of poultry.
MEGA Tierernaehrung occupies an essential position within this group: The subsidiary has been producing high-quality poultry feed since 1972, which is supplied to around 1,000 independent partner farmers in the PHW Group. Soya meal is a very valuable raw material for feed production and the most important source of protein for poultry. Global procurement is not only essential for this raw material. The course for responsible global raw material sourcing was already set in 2015: MEGA Tierernaehrung was the first compound feed manufacturer in the world to receive certification for sustainable poultry feed under the GMP+ Feed Responsibility Assurance scheme. In order to advance its consistent commitment to deforestation along the agricultural supply chains, MEGA Tierernaehrung has been ensuring deforestation-free supply chains for compound feed with regard to the raw materials soya and palm oil for poultry reared in Germany since the second quarter of 2022. As an industry solution, the requirements of the QS Soya Plus Standard for the procurement of sustainably certified, conversion-free and deforestation-free soya products in the value chain, regardless of country of origin and growing region, have also been mandatory since January 2024.

Further information
PHW-Group Charter: Charta PHW-Gruppe Sustainability report of the PHW Grou: Nachhaltigkeitsbericht PHW 2023