Is zero deforestation a myth or an achievable truth?
Monitoring, Reporting, and Verifying (MRV) supply chains: a commitment to transparently delivering deforestation- and conversion-free soy at scale

Cases, where big problems have been met, show that sectorial agreements among market players, complex as they may, can work. Such initiatives can change business as usual gradually into sustainably oriented business for their sourcing and operation.
Forests, savannahs, grasslands … the world’s most vital natural ecosystems are being destroyed at an alarming rate, endangering wildlife and people’s lives and means of subsistence everywhere. These essential ecosystems protect human rights, livelihoods, and health while preserving biodiversity, managing the environment, and assuring food security.
Simply put, ecosystems embody natural capital, in many cases non-renewable. It is urgent to address the elimination of all forms of deforestation and land conversion associated with the production of commodities.
Three major Brazilian soy meal and soy protein concentrate suppliers, Caramuru Alimentos SA, CJ Selecta and Imcopa Importadora Exportadora/ Cervejaria Petrópolis, committed to only purchase soybeans that are free of deforestation and conversion using a cut-off date of August 2020, regardless of customer or production area. This commitment is third-party verified every year. This commitment started in 2021 with the verification of the direct suppliers and continued in 2022 with the verification of intermediate/indirect suppliers based on a risk assessment.
The ProTerra Foundation has developed the supporting documents and facilitated the delivery of this commitment, ensuring its effectiveness, including the oversight of the independent auditing process.
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