Reply To: MRV Forum Day 1
Thanks for all those that have participated in the forum discussions.
I will try to summarize the key points and take aways ProTerra Foundation with like to leave.
The first part of the question basically relates to evidence is associated to all the itens under topic 3 of the MRV Standard (that covers the management system) such as: deforestation and a supply chain policy all the procures and registers related to the mapping of the supply chain and risks assessment; Procedure(s) to identify and have access to applicable legal requirements; roles and responsibility, procedure(s) to address non-conformities ( and follow the train of eventual non-conformances opened in the system); lot numbers and double counting procedures, operational g procedures and practices to ensure full segregation among others.
As for the second part, many important elements have been highlighted but the key aspect is that it is necessary to confirm the existence of an action plan for all suppliers for which the economic operator does not have traceability information (is it plausible?). It should be an action coming not only from the supplier side, organization under MRV have to proactively seek to implement action to improve in this regard. In the subsequent MRV verification, confirm that the plan is being implemented and that traceability information is increasing within the organization. Without this plan, the requirements of the management system are not fulfilled, and a verification statement cannot be issued.