Reply To: MRV Case Study

Isabel Nepstad

Question 1.
Since the total number of suppliers is 6374, the sampling size would be the square root of 6,374, which is 79.84
To organize the sampling approach, suppliers will be grouped by geographical region, and also consider the risk. For example, since there is more traceability information available for the Cerrado, this helps to better manage the risks.
All sampling will include a site visit, document review and interviews.

Question 2.
To avoid double counting, request to review the SAP system, check all transaction history to ensure the volumes match up to the records. For suppliers in regions with known traceability, such as the Cerrado, cross check the traceability records are accurately linked to each transaction.

Question 3.
To confirm that no triangulation is taking place, on-site visits can help ensure that the production is occurring in the location that is being reported and it is the correct product. This can also allow to cross-check the production capacity with the recorded volumes. Geographical location and satellite imagery can also help to check and verify the information.